It's a Bird! It's a Plane!
This is dedicated to the two guys who (in their infinite wisdom) decided to throw a frisbee around in the hallway.
If this was a drunken shenanigan, at 2 a.m., after a very long night, then maybe I could understand the impetus behind all of this. However, it's Friday evening, way too early for this sort of business. And I can tell they're not very good at this buffoonery because the frisbee is hitting the walls more than it is landing in the hands of one of the clowns. Obviously their throwing technique is on par with that of any given PSA Youth baseball squad's pitching rotation. Maybe they're new at this thing. In which case, a logical group of people (I don't know if you've picked up the fact that these guys are not) would have taken the action outside. At least there they could chase down their errant throws, and not bother me with their incessant, unpleasant laughter.
If you can't throw a frisbee, give up. Quit. Go do something else. Play video games, build a house out of cards, or shower (which one of them needs to do, I assure you). Do your homework! Do Physics! Maybe then you can figure out the mechanics behind the flight of a small plastic object. And if you do that, you've won! Claim your prize! It's at the bottom of that cliff. Here let me show you...out.
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